5-minute walk to Spiros Rocks Beach
Dear visitors, please always phone before driving to any of the below destinations ... as I cannot guarantee that the information supplied on my website is still accurate and/or the establishment still exists at any time in the future.

photo credit: https://pixabay.com/users/Alexas_Fotos-686414/
Below are some recommended restaurants/cafés/pubs nearby or in Port Edward town.
Please email me if you would like to add your establishment to this list (at no cost): tinak2009@gmail.com
19th hole Pub & Restaurant * Port Edward * https://www.facebook.com/19thholeportedward/
7th Heaven Pub & Grill * Trafalgar * https://www.facebook.com/pages/7th-Heaven-Restuarant-Trafalgar/1374272782846108
Barn Owl Bistro * Port Edward town * https://www.facebook.com/Barnowlbistro/
Beaver Creek Coffee Estate * Port Edward * https://www.facebook.com/beavercreekcoffee/
Blue Dolphin Pub & Grill * Glenmore * https://www.facebook.com/dolphinpubngrill/
Blue Lagoon * Ramsgate * http://www.blue-lagoon.co.za/
Bootleggerz Restaurant * Port Edward town * https://www.facebook.com/bootleggerzbar/
Breakers Restaurant * Uvongo * https://www.facebook.com/breakersRestaurant/
Casa Toscana * Margate * http://www.casatoscanaristorante.co.za/about-us/
Chefs On Marine Restaurant * Ramsgate * https://www.facebook.com/chefsonmarine.co.za/
Ci-Bali Restaurant * St Michaels * https://www.cbali.co.za/
Clearwater Café & Trails * Port Edward * https://www.facebook.com/Clearwater-Cafe-and-Trails-246659275367346/
Crafty Chameleon * Mac Banana, Munster * https://www.facebook.com/kraftychameleoncoffeeshop/
Crayfish Inn Restaurant * Ramsgate * http://www.crayfishinn.co.za/
de Ras Photo Gallery & Café * Trafalgar * https://www.facebook.com/deRasGallery/
Fazenda, Mac Banana * Munster * http://www.macbanana.co.za/fazenda-restaurant/
Hi Rock Pub & Grill * Palm Beach, Munster * https://www.facebook.com/High-Rock-Pub-and-Grill-258131371049273/
Leopard Rock Coffee Shop * Oribi Gorge, Port Shepstone * https://www.facebook.com/leopardrockc/
Mariners Seafood Restaurant * Marina Beach * https://web.facebook.com/pages/Mariners-Seafood-Restaurant-Shipwreck-Pub/235114999861345
Munchner Haus Restaurant * Margate * https://www.facebook.com/Munchner-Haus-German-Restaurant-131292020248818/
Packshed at Sweetdale * Margate * www.thepackshed.co.za
Paddlers Restaurant & Bar * Port Edward * https://www.facebook.com/The-Pont-Holiday-Water-Sport-Resort-Port-Edward-1434729373472097/
Peg & Punter * Port Edward town * https://www.facebook.com/pages/Port-Edward-Peg-Punter/322136067884677
Quinta Portuguese Restaurant * Margate * https://www.facebook.com/Quinta-Portuguese-Restaurant-Bar-469207643197845/ese
Ramsey Gardens * Port Edward town * https://www.facebook.com/Ramsey-Gardens-2008104492839557/
Spuds Pub & Grill * Port Edward town* https://spuds.co.za/
Squires @ Wild Coast Sun * Port Edward * https://www.facebook.com/pages/Squires-Wild-Coast-Sun/166217600139798
The Cowshed Coffee Shop * Mattison Square, Port Edward * https://www.facebook.com/CowShedCoffeeShop/?rf=837841366277892
The Dolphin Pub & Grill * Glenmore * https://www.facebook.com/dolphinpubngrill/
The Estuary Hotel & Spa * Port Edward * https://www.facebook.com/TheEstuaryHotelandSpa/
Tiagos * Port Edward town * https://www.tiagos.co.za/about-us-tiagos-open-flame-grilled-chicken-fast-food/
Trattoria La Terrazza * Southbroom * www.trattoria.co.za
Waffle House * Ramsgate * http://wafflehouse.co.za/